During the night of Moon Cake Festival,or full moon,is it how we call??correct me if I am wrong because I can't think of any words to say about this.All rights,while s3r is having the celebration with his taekwondo gang and his master,enjoying the mooncake and also the tang lung,I am just sit at home,facing this notes. So,you must be thinking,wow,Kimfei is so hardworking oo,preparing the final exam during the festival and still,doing such good job in writing the notes.Nonono..you are wrong,can you see the difference,the notes at the right hand side is by me and the left hand side is from my girlfriend, the accounting student.The words are so tiny compare to mine,as you can see,I only jot down the formula only,lazy me.Of course when I say I am lazy,I mean it.During that night,I really feel so pissed off to study the Law for Engineer but I can't avoid it since it is in the degree course.Can you imagine,an engineering student have to study those complicated,and repeated law statement,that's way much much boring then you study the formula.Some more the weather is so so so hot,hence,I take out my camera,and snap photo around.
After 20 minutes I snap these photo,the moon is being block by the cloud,so no choice,have to back to study and I think within 15 minutes time,it starts raining,haha..the air is so fresh as before that it is so humid and hot.Sorry for those playing tang lung out there,I didn't mean it but it just rain.
Wahhaa so many different kinds of moon lor, but only a few looks nice. (don't scold me ya just being honest)
Anyway dropped you a tag, AGAIN! Waahhaha! Happy studying woot!
yung,dont worry i wont bite..hehe,tell me which not nice,coz the purpose i take so much is test the setting..actuall every photo got different setting
and thankx for the tag lor..so lucky me...
wah... i pulak kena =.=
wah cool moon...
back here it was round and beautiful
s3r : where got kana you,just refer ppl to your blog ler..i so nice ler..:P
adyla : it doesn't seem cool ler..feel so hot ..hehe..the color just like the sun
i was blog surfing ma... suddenly saw my name pulak ma... haha
saw your name not necessary I kena you de ler..haha
Woh, you spot the moon,nice shoot,
unfortunately the heavy rain pour forced the moon to hide behide the cloud ><
So, I do not really think this will work.
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